Couch cover – a good way to modify the face of your sitting room!

Endless life on the run causes us to take a functional manner even when arranging the apartment. Fortunately, it fits in with modern interior design tendencies.

Cloths have become a hit, which will quickly and cleverly modify the face of IKEA equipment and the character of the space!

Created by: Benoit Renaud

Created by: chispita_666


An appealing design for your daughter's area

Created by: Nacho
The parents who has girl often would like to improve the look of this women's room. Luckily, here are many methods of changes of the kid's room.

klippan sofa cover
Created by: ITU Pictures

In the group of IKEA shops it is available to acquire a sofa without a cover. We all know how tough it is to find a mattress, sheets or cover for a Swedish manufacturer's couch. The furniture needs protection to function in our apartments for numerous years. A flawless invention are the covers that keep the sofa or armchair from stains, and their ornamental designs will enliven the room and will be a nice addition. What to do when we wish to fastly make a metamorphosis of our living room and the sofa is grim? How to better the aspect of the sofa in the spring when it appears in one color for the rest of the year? A Klippan sofa cover provides help that lets you go crazy with colors! In one moment the aspect of our living room can change seriously. We may introduce a pinch of craziness into the room in a brighter color or a graphics or floral pattern.

Due to the cover, the sofa will become a new piece of equipment, which friend will envy us.

The Ektorp sofa cover will be ideal in a condition when the furniture after a long time has already flaws and evidences of destruction. The material will revive the look of the couch and give it new traits. For lovers of arrangement modifications, depending on the periods, they will permit you to make them often.
21-10-06 07:47
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