living room
Created by: Spot Light
Source: Spot Light

Have you heard about that fashion regarding your walls?

I believe that many us actually think that it takes a lot of cash to live in a fashionable flat. I should admit that I also believed in this in a similar way for a long time. Nevertheless, one day I realized that it was just my excuse. You may be amazed with the world I chose, but I initially said “excuse”. It was my excuse not to do anything about my flat. Back then, I was telling myself and my partner that if I have not enough savings to hire a designer, it is pointless to spent money on nice looking things as I just don’t know how they would look together etc.. My attitude changed when I was visiting one of my friends. Elspeth is a single mother. Moreover, she works in the same company as I do, at the same position. Consequently, I know how much money she has. Thus I know that she is not reach. However, when I came to her apartment, I was extremely impressed!
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